Printable Psalm 100
Psalm 100 is another beautiful psalm of Thanksgiving written by King David. This poetic verse is a great reminder of God’s faithfulness, no matter what your situation in life. I am so excited to make this song, available to you in a free printable, that you can download and print out to hang as a decoration around your house.

A Psalm of Praise
Psalm 100 is a section of Thanksgiving Bible verses. The author, King David, expresses his thankfulness to God, with joy throughout these verses. Joy and thankfulness are definitely the common themes seen here.
King David, started off as a lowly shepherd boy, he was later anointed to be king of Israel. King David spent many years of his life on the run, struggling to understand God’s plan for his life. Even though he was anointed to be the next king of Israel at a young age, he had to wait many years to see God’s plan for his life fulfilled. Even during those years of waiting, and even running for his life, David continued to trust God for the bigger picture, and God’s ultimate plans for his life.
David wrote many of the famous Psalms found in the Book of Psalms located in the Old Testament of the Bible. David continually expresses his personal struggles with his situation, but often also includes the good news accompanied by his struggles, which is represented by his faith in God.
Psalm 100, is one of those famous psalms. The main themes throughout this chapter of the book of Psalms, are joyfulness, and thankfulness. We also see that David stands firm in his belief that God is in charge, and has a plan for his life.
Common Themes in Psalm 100
A joyful noise…
Psalm 100 starts off by declaring that we should make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. A joyful noise is not groaning or complaining, but rather a note of worship and adoration. Joy is not always a representation of a state of emotion, but rather the outflow of knowing the truth. It’s possible to be joyful, due to a thankful heart, even though your circumstances may not be happy.
With joyful songs…
Depending on the translation you read, the second verse of Psalm 100 may read to come into God’s presence with joyful songs, or with singing. No matter which type of song is referred to, it’s obvious that David believes we should have a joyful song to praise the Lord.
The sheep of his pasture…
Once again we see the shepherd and sheep analogy represented in Psalm 100. This is continual throughout the Bible, by representing Jesus, or God as the “good shepherd”. This is because God watches over his people, or “sheep”. He takes care of all of their needs so that they are cared for. David can also identify with this analogy personally because he has a background of being a shepherd and watching over his flock of sheep.
With thanksgiving…
Thanksgiving is another common theme throughout Psalm 100. David doesn’t put conditions on giving thanks to God, but instead, he expresses that the Lord should be praised.

His love endures forever…
Verse five of Psalm 100 is very powerful. David states that “the Lord is good, his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” The imagery used in this verse is very fascinating.
First David says that the Lord is good, he doesn’t say that the Lord is good when he does good things for me, he just simply states that the Lord is good. Then David states that the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever. This leads us as a reader to believe that no matter what goes wrong, the Lord will continue to love first steadfastly, and second forever.
Finally, this chapter closes by stating “and his faithfulness to all generations”. David is pointing out that the covenant with the Lord has first with his chosen people, then with all people throughout every generation of human beings.
Here is the complete chapter of Psalm 100, in the English Standard Version.
Psalm 100 (ESV)
1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!
2 Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
3 Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;[a]
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
5 For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.

Free Instant Download
Because it’s a powerful message contained in this verse, I have created a free digital download, that you can enjoy as visual art throughout your house. This printable Psalm 100 is a great reminder to print out and hang on your wall. To get your free copy, simply enter your email address into the box below, and a free PDF copy will be sent directly to your inbox. Please note this is for your personal use only.
Downloading and decorating this PDF is a fun craft, or activity pages for young children, or you can simply enjoy hanging it up in your home.

Psalm of Thanksgiving
Psalm 100 is a beautiful chapter of thanksgiving and praise from King David to his Lord. This verse is also a great reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness and goodness no matter what life circumstances may throw at you. I hope that you take advantage of this free download and enjoy decorating your home with it.
Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my free printable Psalm 100. Please make sure to take advantage of the free PDF so that you can enjoy these verses each day. Have a wonderful day!
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