Mother Teresa Do It Anyway Printable
Mother Teresa is remembered for many different things, one of them is her poem Do It Anyway. With this free printable, you can enjoy looking at this quote, as free printable wall art. It serves as a great reminder of who you should be looking to serve each day, and whose opinion really matters.

Who Was St. Mother Teresa
Mother Theresa is an infamous nun, her original name was Mary Teresa. At a young age, Mother Theresa felt the call of God on her life, to become a missionary. Mother Theresa who was originally of Albanian heritage, joined in Irish nun community, then leader moved to India, where she is prominently known for her “Missionaries of Charity” in India.
Mother Theresa faced many adversities in her life as she served as a nun. She was known for her dynamic leadership when she served and cared for those people who had no one else willing to take care of them.
They were many times when she looked directly in the face of adversity and loved and conditionally. The driving force behind her mission was to serve God with her whole heart. When we look back at recent history, it’s hard to see anyone else who is a living expression of God to the same extent as Mother Teresa. There are a few Saints and heroes throughout recent history, but Mother Teresa is definitely one of the few.
Mother Theresa also known as Saint Theresa is a canonized saint of the roman catholic church. In addition to being a saint, she also received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
This specific quote by Mother Theresa of Do It Anyway was also covered by Kent M. Keith, The Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council. This is one of the most motivational quotes because it reminds us not only to live life well, but also to remember who we are serving in this life.

Inspirational Quotes
Mother Teresa quotes are known for being inspirational in general, but this specific one of the ways anyway is an especially important reminder. Many of Mother Teresa’s quotes are based on her personal life experiences and her personal faith. She also reminds people, at the end of the day what is truly important.
This specific poem Do It Anyway by Mother Theresa, points out the selfishness of people. Many people have selfish ulterior motives, which are the driving force for their actions each day. Whereas sincere people might be kind to you back, that doesn’t mean that you should or shouldn’t be kind and love them anyway.
There are many people who pretend to be your friends, but you find out later that they’re false friends and have no real interest in you at all. Other people will seek to cut down anyone who succeeds, no matter what.
This poem by Mother Teresa reminds everyone that no matter if people are sincere people, or have other evil ulterior motives, it can be hard to remember, the best and simple way to deal with anyone’s reaction is to remember who you are living life for.
When all of the extras are removed, it’s easy to see that this life is to be lived for God, and God alone. Other people will come and go, some will seek you up to build you up, and others will try to tear you down. At the end of the day, you can only seek to honor God with your life, and this is all that truly matters.
Make sure to get your free copy of this inspirational quote, available at the end of the page.

Beautiful Inspirational Quote
Inspirational poems like this poem by Mother Teresa might seem like small things, but they can serve as daily reminders of God’s great love for you, in your impact on other people around you.
No matter how many years building something up, it doesn’t take long to tear it back down. Therefore, it’s important to remember that life’s circumstances may come and go, but when the chat is all burnt away the only true thing that you have control over is how you lived your life for Jesus.
When you are trying to honor God with your life, everything else will fall into place. It’s not always easy, as others will still seek to destroy you, however they can. Ultimately, living for God is what truly matters.

Free Mother Teresa Quote
Mother Theresa’s poem “do it anyway” is available to you as my gift and a free digital download. To receive your instant download, simply enter your email address into the box below, and a copy will be sent directly to your email inbox.
Please note that this free printable is intended for your personal use only and should not be used for commercial use under any circumstances.
This file is available as a PDF file and is a high-resolution item. That way you can print the wall art out and enjoy the “print either framed or hanging around your home. If desired you can also send it to a local print shop, to have it professionally printed. I would recommend printing it out on a regular printer first, to make sure that you are happy with it before sending it to a print shop.
Do It Anyway: Mother Teresa
This poem entitled do it anyway was found on Mother Theresa’s wall, written for children in Calcutta India. This poem is a great reminder to print out and hang on your wall so that the next time you are struggling, whether it’s with unfaithful friends, or sometimes people are just difficult, you can remember what really matters.
Essentially, Mother Teresa’s poem reminds us to live to please God, not others around us. Don’t let the fear of failing, or others taking advantage of you hold you back from living life tear fullest potential.
Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my free printable poem by Mother Theresa entitled Do It Anyway. I hope that you will take advantage of this free printable, and I hope that you enjoy the wonderful reminder quoted in the poem!
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