How Great Thou Art Hymn
A Swedish politician, a missionary, a cowboy, and an evangelist… It sounds like the start of a really bad joke, but actually, it’s the beginning of an amazing hymn that is still loved today. Plus, I have also created a FREE How Great Thou Art Hymn Printable that you can easily download and enjoy. The printable makes fantastistic wall art for your home.

How Great Thou Art is a hymn that many people around the world have come to know and love. To help you remember this amazing song, I have also made a free printable that you can get your copy of below.
I remember growing up, listening to my grandparents play some old George Beverly Shea records. This was definitely one of the best hymns that he would sing. This hymn is so full of great promises to remember, as well as simple joys you can take from the creation surrounding you each day.
The Story Behind the Hymn
It all started with Carl Boberg, who was a Swedish man, who was also a member of the Swedish parliament. It is said that Carl was on his way home from an afternoon service in 1885, when a thunderstorm came up. He made a dash for shelter, at a crack of mighty thunder, but the storm soon passed. After the storm passed, the sun came out, a rainbow appeared, and it was beautiful weather once again.
Mr Boberg reached his home, he is said to have opened the windows, taken the beautiful seaside scenery, and heard the church bells in the distance. From these experiences, he composed what was then known as a poem entitled “O Store Gud”. Later this poem would be set to music, and translated into German, and eventually into Russian.
In the early 1920s, Stuart K. Hine and his wife traveled to Poland as missionaries. During their time in Poland, they learned the Russian hymn “O Store Gud”. Mr. Hein was the one to rewrite the original Swedish hymn, into the English Translations which we know today as “How Great Thou Art”.
Mr. Hine published his English version of this song in a missionary magazine publication. Tim Spencer, a singing cowboy, and music publisher in the Christian music industry, was eventually exposed to the English version of this hymn. Because of the music industry exposure, Billy Graham and George Beverly Shea would eventually be exposed to this English translation of him. The two of them would pick it up and use it in Billy Graham’s evangelical crusades around the country, and eventually around the world.
This is how one man’s poem reflecting on the greatness of God after a thunderstorm, was turned into a magnificent hymn, that is still well-known around the world to this day.

How Great Thou Art
Verse 1
O Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds
Thy hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe displayed
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art
Verse 2
When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
And hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze
Verse 3
And when I think
That God His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die
I scarce can take it in
That on the cross
My burden gladly bearing
He bled and died
To take away my sin
Verse 4
When Christ shall come
With shout of acclamation
And take me home
What joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim
“My God how great Thou art”

Common Themes
God as heavenly father…
Throughout this hymn, we can see that God is continually portrayed as the heavenly father. He is the creator of all things, even through the sunshine in the thunderstorms.
God’s word…
God’s Word is also represented throughout this hymn. Even though creation is a major theme, God not hesitating to sacrifice His one and only Son for the sins of the world is also very prominent in this song.
God’s hand…
God’s hand is seen at work in the daily creation around us if we just take the time to look. That’s what Carl Boberg did after the thunderstorm in which he first wrote the original poem.
Christ’s second coming…
The final verse of this hymn has a definite theme of Christ’s return. The author is expressing his belief that Christ will come and take him home, and eternal life which will follow forever more.

Free Hymn Art
If you enjoy this great hymn, and want to hold the lyrics close, I have made a free printable download for you which I hope you will enjoy. It contains the art lyrics of this song, in a wall hanging that you can print out and enjoy wherever you desire. Please note that this free printable is for your personal use only, and not for commercial distribution.
To receive your free copy of this How Great Thou Art hymn printable, please enter your email address in the box below. After you click the button to submit it, a free PDF file will be sent directly to your email inbox. From there you can print it out, frame it, and enjoy the PDF in any way you wish.

How Great Thou Art Hymn Printable
How Great Thou Art is one of those classic hymns, it is ever so timeless. For years now it has been handed down from generation to generation, and it is one of those old time classic hymns, which still holds truth today. I can still remember seeing it performed live on TV and a Billy Graham crusade, or listening to this song on a record at my grandparents house. Even though years have gone by, it is still a wonderful hymn full of truth.
I hope that you will take full advantage of this free printable so that you can enjoy hanging it around your house. The great thing about this printable is that you can frame it any way you want, and print it as many times as you wish. It’s always good to have a reminder of these truths that you can refer back to.
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by today! I hope that you enjoy this free download as my gift to you!
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Source: St Augustine
Source: American Song Writer